Dave Levitt Photography

ars fabrication

Next on the Shop Series docket is ARS Fabrication in Port Perry Ontario. This was another one that's been talked about for a while, but let's just say I don't go to Port Perry much. Then ARS Fabrication won the photoshoot contest so that gave us a good reason to get together finally. Between the International truck he was/is building and the projects in the shop he's got quite the collection of projects on the go.

Right now in the shop they have a 30’s Chevy they have been building a whole new front end for, a Manta Mirage kit car thats getting all kinds of love and a NBS GM truck getting some more upgrades after they had built a whole new chassis for it.

At some point during this visit the request was made ‘show me your stuff’ they were talking about welding rods and tips, but I realized that is exactly why people like this series. We like to see each others stuff. Do you like stuff? Show me your stuff!

With the last batch of ARS Fabrication. Thought I’d do a little feature on this old square body that was at the shop. This truck belonged to ARS Fabrication’s grandfather and its a sweet little truck. If i’ve learned anything about ARS Fabrication is it’s going to get a little bit sweeter.

Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Full Set
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication
Dave Levitt Photography - ars-fabrication